Thanks Mr. Hammer, you are so kind for that help.
Tomorrow I will write with all the info denouncing this person. About the
closing of my account I still wonder and after the information that you give
me about the process. I am 100% sure that this person write to the same
address *** telling that I am spammer or another lie, I dont
know what, but may be any concern the Terms of Use of Hotmail. Yesterday at
this same hour (8:48 pm) my account was working, this morning blocked.. so
fast, so strange
I found this information from a spanish (I think) forum:
There says, in english:
"How to erase a Hotmail account"
"(...) to erase a Hotmail account, it is just necessary to report a email to
***@hotmail.comn acussing that we want to erase that email because it is
sending spam to us"
"In accord to this article, there is some tests that was made a lot of
times, even with New Accounts that never had being used to send ANY email."
"Without previous advice, the Hotmail team proceeded to erase [block] these
accounts in less than 24 hours."
I am a proved victim of that, because this just happen. Seems to be easy, at
least for this person, to write a email with fake information about an
innocent user, to get his/her hotmail account down. It is possible that no
one can do it. But that person do it with me... in anyway.
Thank you.
Best regards.
Post by Windows Live Mail Technologies SupportHi Josh,
open a ticket with our agents who can determine, if indeed, that account is
a SPAM or malicious account. Also, if you do feel that this is a
threatening situation, you should contact your local law enforcement agency.
On a final note, let me again assure you that there is no way for a single
person to cause a Hotmail account to get blocked. Our technologies take into
account many different criterion before an account is closed by our tools.
Agents are only allowed to close accounts that meet malicious account
indicator guidelines that are documented and outlined explicitly. I hope
that this helps alleviate some of your concerns.
Warm Regards,
Scott Hammer
Sr. Support Program Manager
Windows Live Mail Technologies
Microsoft Corporation
Post by Josh4545Thank you so much Mr. Hammer
I already send the filled form from, because when I
try to login, there is a message that send me to the the Windows Live Hotmail
Support page (the same). It is very strange that this person send me
yesterday a email telling me that he will be "spam me" and in less than 24
hours Microsoft close my account and erase all my emails.. I think that this
person may have a special power over this kind of reports that he sends to
Microsoft, beacuse I never send spam in anyway. I really do not know how
people can do it and I think that it is a very potential security problem for
people that have a Windows Live Hotmail account. I opened that account in
december 2007, begin to using since that person start to send me some emails
asking me some strange questions (I did not respond any with "true"). I do
not know who is this person. I have his/her email address, so what can I do
to prevent being blackmailed again from this unknown person? Can Microsoft do
something with this address to investigate that kind of... crime??
Pd. My account still blocked, so I am waiting until get unblocked tomorrow
or so.
Pd 2. Where can I let the mail of this person for investigation? to he
police? Microsoft must to know how some people can bother another using the
"report spammers" function ruining and messing the job/study/diary life of
innocent people.
Thank you so much.
Post by Windows Live Mail Technologies SupportHi Josh,
We don't block upon a single report by a user, but use a multitude of
criteria. Occasionally, we do catch innocent people. Please go to, select Windows Live Hotmail, and indicate that your
account is closed/access denied. An agent will then be able to help you
Scott Hammer
Sr. Support Program Manager
Windows Live Mail Technologies
Microsoft Corporation
Post by Josh4545I have the email address of a person that tellme that I am will be
and today I cant get to my inbox, because tells me that I violated some terms
of use...
Please, where can I denounce this person. I think that this kind of people
cant do it to anybody out there. I have his email address, so anybody
something because I think this person is doing this all the time with any
victim in any place..
Thank you so much in advance.